What is .ID Digital Signatures?
.ID is a web-based digital signature platform, which helps businesses across finance, IT, eCommerce, and various other sectors verify user identities in real-time and securely upload, store, and sign off files.
The application supports ASiC formatted signature containers, which allow users to compress and aggregate several originally signed and digital signature files within a single document. Individuals can sign certificates using fingerprints or pin code for audit purposes. Users can also invite team members to view or sign a document or collection of files, receive confirmation, and track the status of requests. .ID creates a combination of public and private keys, which lets authorities grant information access and provide signing consent.
The eIDAS-compliant solution validates users’ identities based on government-issued documents, helping organizations secure agreements or transactions, check signatories, and validate original documents. .ID also ensures the integrity of files after the signature becomes invalid and authorizes signs from the approver during onboarding. Other features include encryption, document sharing, authentication, and hash format creation.